The mission of the Pueblo Choral Society is to enhance the cultural life of our community through the promotion and performance of diverse high-quality choral education and performance.
Directed by
David Volk
Doctor of Musical Arts
Christine Ortega, Accompanist
Board of Directors
President : Karen Baker
President-Elect : Vacant
Vice President of Finance : Michael DePalma
Treasurer : Jeannette Meyer
Secretary : Linda Blazina
Past President : David Hof
Community Representative : Currently Vacant
Board Committees
Finance : Michael DePalma
Membership : Michael McGuire
Artistic : Mary Beth Jensen
Public Relations : Amy DeHerrera
Operations : Vacant
Hospitality : Ruth DePalma
The Pueblo Chorale or its smaller Chamber Choir is available for performances throughout the Pueblo Area.
Phone: (719) 281-6823
PCS is currently seeking individuals and organizations who are interested in sponsoring this season. If you, your business, or someone you know is interested, please contact the PCS office at 719-281-6823!
Now in our 39th Year!
2024-2025 Season Sponsors!
Support those who support the PCS!
We thank the following online sponsors...